Eucharist Matters - Church Teaching, Reflections, News, Essays

Adulation for Taylor Swift
The cover girl on this Seventeen magazine issue from 1959 looks a lot like Taylor Swift with her sweet eyes and red lips. The cover illustrates that teen girls have been seeking “the true, the good, and the beautiful” for decades they just haven’t known where to find “it.” Our secular culture points them to the things of the earth; hair, fashion, boys. The Catholic Church and proper faith formation within parishes and families will help young women find God, Who is the source of all things, true, good, and beautiful.

Movie being made about the Eucharist
“Fascination About Eucharistic Miracles Prompts ‘The New Manna’ Movie
How an Animator’s Journey to Jesus Led to Filmmaker’s Latest Project” From the National Catholic Register

What is an “Encounter” with Jesus?
Sister Alicia gives a beautiful definition of what an encounter with Jesus is not and what an authentic encounter is, and where you can be assured of an encounter.

Spiritual Dispositions at Holy Communion by Fr. James Brent, O.P. from
A beautiful overview on the spiritual dispositions of faith, humility, confidence, desire, and reverence need to obtain the effects of Holy Communion with God through receive the Eucharist.

Ten Theological Principles from Pope Benedict XVI
Professor Tracey Rowland is St. John Paul II Chair of Theology at the University of Notre Dame in Australia. She has published 8 books and over 150 articles. In 2020 she was awarded the prestigious Ratzinger Prize for her extensive writings on his theology.

Divine Mercy Sunday
“O God, your mercy knows no bounds and the treasure of your goodness is infinite…” (Prayer after the “Te Deum” Hymn) and “O God, you reveal your almighty power above all by showing mercy and forgiveness…”
Being Part of the Singles of Eucharist

Amazing Nearness
Submit your meditations, reflections, and writings on the Eucharist to be posted on this website.

Love of Neighbor
“The authentic sense of the Eucharist becomes of itself the school of active love for one’s neighbor.” Dominicae Cenae, Paragraph 6.

Working Alongside our Pastors
Prayer and other good works as directed by our Bishops and Pastors.

Zoom Gatherings
Singles of the Eucharist will come together over Zoom to share, thoughts, prayers, reflections, and ideas for working toward individual holiness and assisting others through works of Mercy.

Prayer Apostolate
During this Month of the Rosary, singles actually talk to their Blessed Mother, tell her their needs, and meditate on her life and the life of her Son when they pray the Rosary.