Many people have found their vocation and God’s mercy in front of the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration and they would like a way to express their experience. This is why Singles of the Eucharist can exist.
The mission of Singles of the Eucharist is the best articulated as stated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on their website,,
“To mobilize those who already know and believe the Church’s teaching on the
Real Presence to reach out to those in need and accompany those who are searching
for more. Remember this is our Lord’s work. We are simply his instruments.”
Singles of the Eucharist members know and believe the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence. What does this “mobilization”, directed above, look like for the Singles of the Eucharist apostolate?
- The website will provide content that will show the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Eucharist, the Catholic Church, and all of her teachings.
- The website hopes to provide a connection for singles to come together as a inspiring leadership community in the eucharistic revival effort.
- Singles of the Eucharist will provide resources or partnerships with other apostolates to help singles discern their vocation to marriage, the consecrated life, or to remain single.
- Since, singles are often alone for a great deal of time, even many without extended family, the apostolate will foster adult singles working and retired to come together in friendship under their love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
- The website will provide a connection for singles to have a work to do while discerning their Vocation. This proposed work for singles are highlighted on the Home page of the website in the “Being Part of Singles of the Eucharist.”
- Evangelization by the Singles of the Eucharist members will be through the wearing of the emblem, or other images that depict the Blessed Sacrament while working in the world or shopping, or in other places to encourage questions from those they meet.
- Members of Singles of the Eucharist will pray and study to be prepared to answer questions regarding Church teaching, scripture and Tradition on the Blessed Sacrament.
- Individually, Singles of the Eucharist members will work alongside their diocesan Bishops, priests, religious, and lay leaders to evangelize the Real Presence as they may discern to do through prayer and spiritual direction, whether by personal invitation from their Pastors, or individually.
- The community will provide support through stewardship of the treasure of financial gifts to support other ministries and missions.
Singularly Focused on Christ Really Present
By Joseph Pronechen, National Catholic Register READ