The following are posted with permission: Stephen, Valley Center WhyILove: Hold a crucifix next to the heart. " He did this for me, I did what for Him? He did this for me, I did what for Him? He did this for me I did what for Him?" " If you see the face of Jesus in the face of everyone (and in the eucharist), how can you not love them?" Christine, from Brownsville, Texas WhyILove: I'm going to Mass every day. The Lord fills my days with some much peace and love... I have a Large Picture of the Lord of Divine Mercy in my home for everyone to see. I always share with everyone about the Divine Mercy, how awesome He is to know.... Al Benedick, MS from Quezon City, PHILIPPINES: My devotion and belief in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist helps me to persevere in my chosen vocation. it is in this presence that I get all my strength and inspiration to live my faith. Greg, from Overland Park, Kansas Only through God's grace have I come to know him as I do. He is such a source of strength and mercy. I pray that more and more people will come to know him through is sacrifice. Thanks for your apostolate and may God grant his peace and mercy to all who visit and God Bless you for this work. Alex, from Virac, Catanduanes Philippines: Why I love: Christ simply make me feel that he loves me so much no matter how sinful I am. I am a humble survivor of different trials in my life's quest because of Him. My strength comes from my constant receiving of the Holy bread consecrated during mass. By consuming this host, I know I can face the world no matter how huge are the stumbling blocks to test my faith. Melissa, from Quincy, Illinois: Why I love: The Perpetual Adoration Chapel here in Quincy has been my safe haven these past couple months. It seems like I'm in there every other day just to give God a headache with all my trials and He never fails me, He's even glad to see me. I asked Jesus for a friend to help me through some hard times and He gave me Himself. What more could I want? I only wish I had realized how much Love was in that little room before. Kristine from Omaha, Nebraska: WhyILove: The Lord has transformed my life through Him in the Eucharist. The first time I KNEW the Lord spoke to me personally was after He drew me to a weekly Adoration Holy Hour. He promised me that I was His daughter, and that He had a godly man picked out for me as a spouse. Since then, He has sustained me. When I first distributed Holy Communion at Mass, I had an experience of Jesus coming behind me and extending His hand and it was Him saying "The Body of Christ." I was trembling. I could hardly speak. His presence was practically tangible. When I returned to my pew, I wept for the remainder of Mass because Jesus utterly convinced me of His presence once again. Thank you, Jesus, for giving us this gift of Yourself since you had to leave us for the Father! We pray we will all join You for eternity! Emily from Harligen, Texas: WhyILove: Christ's presence in the Eucharist awakens all my senses, every part of me. I leave the natural and it brings to the supernatural. It is where I feel most unified with Christ. I am truly humbled, his cross and selflessness becomes strikingly transparent. It opens my heart wider and deeper, and I am filled with Christ's love. I can be shown my faults, where I need to transform, grow and repent. On the converse his also shows me his mercy is endless, and love is deepless, conquering all, especially when approaching with a pure heart, with genuine intentions to serve his kingdom. I realize my anxieties, all that I have not surrendered in my day. It brings me true peace. It is the epitome of inner tranquility, peace only God can give. Isabel from Mission, Texas: WhyILove: Christ's presence in the Eucharist has affected me totally. I have changed my life or rather I have surrendered my life to him. He has shown his unconditional love to me through my neighbor, and I have learned to ask him to give me his unconditional love so I can love them back. The Lord has allowed me to serve him in the Altar as an Altar Server in our Basilica. I'm also a lector and Extraordinary Minister of Communion. Recently, through my Spiritual Director I have the Apostolate of praying for more vocations to the priesthood and consecrated lives. We humbly sing the Divine Mercy and ask God for more vocations; we pray for our priests and for our seminarians by name. The Eucharist is truly the presence of the Jesus, and he radiates my life with his graces. Daily Mass just nourishes me and helps me live out the Jesus in me. I must become Jesus, but I can't do it alone. Leonardo from Hatillo, Puerto Rico: WhyILove: The most important factor is to know that Jesus is there at the Blessed Sacrament... That is the most important factor of my life. Knowing that He is there has to change the life of anyone. We are his creatures; we have the obligation to adore Him. It's an obligation of love... William from New York: WhyILove: Jesus in the Eucharist is my greatest love and best friend. Seeing Him in Eucharist adoration is such a joyous experience for me. When I receive Him in the Blessed Sacrament it is beyond words! Luigi, Ontario, Canada: Why I love: After my conversion, about twenty years ago, and my return to the practice of the faith, the Mass and the Eucharist became gradually more and more important and central to my prayer, spiritual, and active live. Eventually it came to the point that a day without Mass, Communion, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, would seem meaningless and empty. The many graces I have received after my conversion - and even before it - I attribute to the Eucharist; among them, I was blessed with an incredible physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. But I am convinced that I was also blessed with other countless graces which – because of the limits of my human nature – I am now neither able to recognize, not aware of. Only God knows them, and I will be able to see and understand after my earthly life ends and hopefully I will receive from the infinite mercy of God the Beatific Vision. Bill from Jacksonville, Florida:,WhyILove: Christ's Eucharistic Presence is the most powerful experience of God that I believe we can have while on earth. Although God reveals himself to us in many different ways, I truly believe that his Presence in the Blessed Sacrament is the strength and grace that keeps me going each day. I attend daily Mass for many reasons: to meditate on his Word with my brothers and sisters, to be in community with others who have similar interest, but above all to receive His Divine Presence within myself. It is the grace of this Sacrament that allows me to stay focused on my journey with God. Times of Adoration also allow me to meditate on this Presence and to be in the Presence of my creator in a way that I cannot be at other times. Anne Marie from Liverpool, NY: WhyILove: Next to my attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the time I spend each week in my parish's Perpetual Adoration Chapel are the best hours of the week. I am never "alone." It's such an awesome gift to have a God who makes Himself truly present to us through the Eucharist. I am humbled every time I enter the Adoration Chapel to think that I am privileged to kneel so close to my God. Charles from Roslindale, MA: WhyILove: I believe that the Eucharist truly saved my life in this world and bring me to the next. In the Eucharist, I find the most intimate and peaceful love and presence of my God. I have a palpable and vivid experience of His presence and I build my life around it. There is no pain in celibacy if Jesus is the core of one's response to life. In temptation just saying: "Jesus, you are enough for me" He comes with all aid. Truly a loving Lord would feed his children and embrace them daily. When I see him day to day I am sustained and full of gratitude for a God who visits on the altar and in the heart without end. Food of Angels, Bread of Sinners! Bob from Cincinnati, Ohio: WhyILove: It's like heaven on earth...the great peace of being before the Prince of Peace. Many times, I'm the only one in church during my adoration hour and I enjoy praying out loud and singing praise songs like the Gloria before the Blessed Sacrament. One day there was a strong scent of roses which had to have meant Mom was nearby!!! I like to say when I go on vacation, I go for the Son-tan and Sun-tan. I'll use a website like to find an adoration chapel which is near a beach. Taking a vacation doesn’t mean I take a vacation from adoring God!! Karen G. WhyILove: I always look forward to spending my one hour with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. It's unbelievable to me how he humbles Himself to appear body & soul in the form of a piece of bread. When you focus on this humility you can't help but fall in love with Him! How true were His words, He would be with us until the end of time! Gerri K. WhyILove: I have always believed in the real presence except for a time of confusion after listening to Protestant radio. After seeing the Eucharistic miracle in Lanciano, Italy where the Host turned to flesh and blood, I have no doubts about it. What a wonderful Church we have! Kim S. WhyILove: In our city, we do not have Eucharistic adoration much at all. One parish has adoration for a 24-hour time period once a week, and I try to be at morning Mass on the day when adoration begins. It is a special, peaceful time for me as we sing and pray together, and Father incenses the monstrance. I'm usually able to stay for a half hour before going to work. It's a wonderful way to start my day! I pray that we can get more parishes in our city to have Eucharistic Adoration for an extended period of time. Ronette D. from Fairfield, CA WhyILove: The presence of Christ in the Eucharist reaffirms all the graces and blessings I have received during my lifetime. I was away from the church for almost 30 years. A crisis occurred in my life. I tried other churches but there did not seem to be much structure. I felt a calling back to my faith. I have been back for 21/2 years. I am now at the point where my faith has grown. I used to be a mustard seed. Now I am slowing blooming spiritually instead of materially. I really do not know what else to say, except that when I reflect back on my life God has saved me by placing the right people in the right places for me during my years as a I grew up. That is all I have to say for now. Thank you for reading this and bless you. Brenda S. from Boulder, CO WhyILove: Our Lord in the Eucharist has been my best friend for the past 15 years. As a fallen-away Catholic, I hit some major bumps in the road about 15 years ago. Those bumps were difficult for me, but I know it was God's way to bring me back to Him. I so look forward to my hours with Him - they are the only times I feel totally relaxed and at peace with myself and the world around me. I feel truly blessed that I live in a country where I can spend this time with Him without fear of persecution. Praise God! Maryanne S WhyILove: The Eucharist has had a great impact on my life. I pray every day that I will continue to be able to attend daily Mass and spend time in Eucharistic adoration. He feeds my soul and gives me the strength to live out my Christian life to the fullest. I am so blessed to have a career that allows me the flexibility to be a daily communicant, and to spend several hours a week in Eucharistic adoration. I live in a relatively small town and would like to have the opportunity to be in contact with other like-minded people who share the love of our Catholic Faith and the Holy Eucharist. Most that I encounter from Church are married with families or are much older than me. Despite attending Catholic schools, I did not know the fullness of my Faith. Most unfortunately, I went away from the Church for several years. Over the last 7 years I have slowly learned about what the Catholic Faith has to offer and have become deeply in love with God and His wonderful Catholic Church. Susan G. from Staten Island, NY WhyILove: Our Lord's presence in the Eucharist has deeply changed my life. I find that I want to spend more than one hour a week in adoration. It has prompted me to attend daily Mass and if I miss, I feel an emptiness. There is such a longing for Him at times it is painful not to be near Him. Recently I heard about St. Maximillian Kolbe who made a spiritual communion every 15 minutes and I have been trying my best to do that. It truly is a mystery what Our Lord has done for us to be present in every Tabernacle in the world. We are truly blessed as Catholics, and I am so thankful for the Catholic education I had and that my parents sent me to Catholic grammar school. Many things the nuns taught us remain with you forever. Peggy J. WhyILove: the precious Body and Blood of Christ has given me peace, strength, and endurance for things that have come up in my life. I know without it I could do nothing!! MORE TESTIMONIALS OF THE GRACES THAT FLOW FROM ADORING CHRIST IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: "I had been studying the Mass and Eucharist, (Scott Hahn books) after trying to defend the faith to a friend and failing miserably, I'm afraid. I read where Scott Hahn went once a week to a midnight adoration hour and decided to try it at my parish, the only hour that was open and would fit in my schedule was the 3 am slot, so I took it. It was a hard time in my life, I was lonely and a little depressed. I was trying to go to Weight Watchers, just hoping to lose at least 10-20 lbs. That would be better than where I was at. Then my dog (a dachshund) injured her back and became paralyzed. She had a 50/50 chance of recovery with surgery. So, I paid for surgery and began rehab hoping and praying. One night, after reading The Lamb's Supper, by Scott Hahn for a second time, I decided to pray (I laid on the ground like Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane)and I offered my life to Jesus. I told Him I would let Him be my food if, He would just let me succeed at WW and heal Macy, my dachshund. The next few months passed, Macy made a incredible recovery, I was going to adoration, (never tired, even after getting up in the middle of the night). My mother said she could tell a difference in my attitude. I was doing well on WW, losing steadily (about 45 lbs). Then one day I heard in my head, Jesus saying "Well, since you put it in my hands, I'm going to give it all to you". I made goal at WW, I lost 80 lbs.!!! I knew it was because of the Eucharist. I don't know how to explain it, but I knew. It was the gift and sign He gave to me. I have been changed ever since. I love going to Mass now. That's my story, I guess." Contributed by: Susan R., Overland Park, Kansas I always look forward to spending my one hour with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. It's unbelievable to me how he humbles Himself to appear body & soul in the form of a piece of bread. When you focus on this humility you can't help but fall in love with Him! How true were His words, He would be with us until the end of time! Contributed by Karen G. Yonkers, New York I was a devout Christian seeking a closer walk with Christ when I became very drawn to Blessed Mother Theresa. Upon visiting her sisters and participating with them at Mass and Adoration my heart became totally attached to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and my life has been consecrated and devoted to adoring Him ever since. Contributed by Lisa S., Broadway, New Jersey I have always had a strong and tender devotion to our Lord in the Eucharist. It is something that was instilled in me as a child both by the example of my family and my grade school training. Forty Hours Devotion in my home parish of St. Hedwig/ Toledo was always a "mystical" experience that was a big part of my life. Holy Thursday Nocturnal Adoration and the visitation of various Repositories in churches around the city for many years strengthened my sense of Eucharistic devotion. The sense of awe and intimacy when being in the presence of the Godman cannot be equaled. Contributed by Jerry M.. Toledo, Ohio "Whenever I can find myself in the Presence, its like standing in front of a great light that is chasing away all those shadows of sin and doubt. I can see fully my life and what God truely asks of me." Contributed by Craig, Kansas City, Missouri "Christ's presence in the Eucharist has effected me by encouraging me to receive communion and to adore the Eucharist frequently, in order to recognize our littleness before God, who humbles Himself in the Sacrament of the Altar. To have a true relation to God, you have to go down on your knees before God and we have to go through the gesture of kneeling in order fully to appreciate Christ's Presence in the Eucharist." Contributed by Gladys, Lawrenceville, Georgia "I find the intimacy of Christ's love to be extremely tangible in the Presence of the Eucharist. Knowing that Christ waits 24/7 in the heart of every Catholic church is very important to me because it means that even in the loneliness I sometimes experience, I am never truly alone... HE is with me, He is waiting always to be with me!" From Amy; Maryville, Missouri "I have always been very devoted to Christ's presence in the Eucharist ever since I was a teenager. I was in religious life for a while, but that did not turn out to be my vocation. For a while, after I left the convent, I became very bitter and estranged from the Church and God. Then, in 2003, the Good Friday, right before Easter Sunday, after having seen the movie "The Passion of the Christ" I experienced a tremendous healing of memories, a conversion experience and am now back home in the Church. Each day, thanks to the grace of the Eucharistic Jesus, I feel myself growing closer and closer to him and experiencing a joy and a peace I had never experienced before. I try to make it to daily Mass and Communion, but sometimes my job as a Professor at a University keeps me very busy. Yet, I have this driving urge to spend more time in prayer and contemplation. I hope to retire within a year and plan to spend more time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Since I have such a desire to do this, I am hoping that this is truly my calling and mission and that it is what God wants of me." From Veronica; Corpus Christi, Texas "Christ's presence in the Eucharist has brought me such joy and peace. Jesus, in His infinite kindness, allowed me to be converted to celibacy, by showing me His bloodied and battered face in the monstrance at a mission I attended. I could feel His love and I knew that my sins of impurity had done this to Him. Yet I felt His love and forgiveness and a desire to never hurt Him again with sins of impurity. My life has not been the same since. Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of yourself in Eucharist. You are truly present, and we adore you." Kathy; Humboldt, Arizona "I do love the Eucharist, and I have a deep longing to have a closer relationship with Christ. Linda; Indianapolis, Indiana "After my fiancé called the wedding off, I had never felt so alone in my life. In weakness, I tried a lot of different ways to fill the void. It was not until I "rediscovered" daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration that I realized how loved I really was. It wasn’t overnight, but the grace given helped me over my own block to healing. There is something comforting in the Real Presence of Christ, that God knows we really need Him in both a spiritual and physical sense. He hasn’t left us alone." From Elizabeth; Twenty-nine Palms, California "The Eucharist is the center of my life. I spend an hour before Mass each morning, if possible, before the tabernacle. Our parish does not have adoration, but I do manage to spend time at other parishes in adoration when possible. It pains me that so many "Catholics" do not believe in the real presence. I see this each day as sacrileges are committed by those who participate in "communion services" and those who cannot spend a single moment talking to Jesus in their hearts after receiving Him but immediately start to talk and laugh with others in the congregation. May God bless your ministry and help us to restore reverence and belief in the True Presence." From Charlotte; Toledo, Ohio "I make an attempt to go to Adoration every morning before work... sometimes it's 10 minutes, sometimes an hour. In rough times, days may go by and I'll miss the Lord's Real Presence like a strong thirst... and I head right back. My life has change and I have grown and matured in the Lord, to the point where I am no longer a worrywart. What is there to worry about when you're face-to-face with your God every day? My next goal is daily mass, but if I can't make it, I'll always make my visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Can't live without HIM!" From Elizabeth in Southgate, Michigan and why she loves the Blessed Sacrament.