The Eucharist is the “Real Presence”, stated as, “the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1324 says that [somewhat paraphrased] the “whole good of the Church is bound up in the Eucharist, and that the works of priests, religious, and laity.” “Binding” or keeping our minds on Christ, whether through participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, or in our daily lives, that all of our apostolic works, those works for which we are all sent to help build up the Kingdom of God, are or should be “oriented to the Eucharist” because it is through eating of the Body and Blood of Christ that we are given the graces to do the work of God in this “earthly Kingdom.”
There are so many ways to exercise your love for the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The ways are both spiritual and through bodily acts. Through the Singles of the Eucharist apostolate, we will come together to share these ways of loving Christ in the Eucharist. These ways will show the world what a single of the Eucharist is. These ways will be a witness to those who are not familiar with how Christ is present with us in the Blessed Sacrament. This apostolate is a way for singles to learn how they can evangelize the Real Presence of Christ. It is a way for single Catholics to find a way to serve the Church.
During the next few years as the National Eucharistic Revival proceeds throughout the United States, single adults, working or in retirement, can come together through this community apostolate to actively be a part of the revival. We don’t know, yet, what this will truly look like, but we know that it is an opportunity. We will let the Holy Spirit guide the mission and activities.
To get started with this important apostolic work, please share below, why you adore and love the Eucharist and are a “single of the Eucharist.” This is your testimonial. With your permission, your statement or story could, at some time, be shared on the Home page of this website. For now, all singles names, parish, and city and state will be listed on a special page.