Hi, I am Terri Lynn, the Founder of Singles of the Eucharist. I have worked full-time for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas in the Office of Stewardship and Development since November of 2018, as Associate Director for planned and legacy gift development for parishes, schools, and ministries. I also work as the Chapter Administrator during the month for the Kansas City Chapter of Legatus. I published a book, The Diamond Castle in 2016, and I served on the Tribunal for the Cause for Sainthood for Venerable Sr. Marie De Mandat-Grancey, as a Copyist from 2012-2014. Prior to my current position, I worked for John Allen, Jr. at I earned my Masters in Theological Studies from the then Institute for Pastoral Studies at Ave Maria University in 2009, under Director, Douglas Bushman, S.T.L.
I love the Church and still with not all the hours in the day filled, I felt that during these past times of isolation during the Pandemic, yet never alone because of Christ and His Real Presence, with prayers and thanksgiving, I felt it was time to re-launch the apostolate. If you would like to contact me with questions, comments, or ways you can help to bring singles together, please text 913-634-4567. My phone does not answer numbers not in my contacts. Or email me at It is best to contact me in the evenings or on the weekends. I live in Overland Park, Kansas.
I did not want to re-launch the apostolate, alone, so there are men in other leadership positions serving the Church that are my Advisory Council. You may contact them with questions, too. I assent to all of the teachings of the Church and the apostolate serves in obedience to Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann.