Discerning Religious Life
Often a woman who loves the Blessed Sacrament will feel a love for Jesus that causes her to feel like she “wants to marry him”, and forsake all others for him. If you feel this way, you will want to talk to your diocesan vocation office or your Pastor to help you discern whether you have a call to consecrated life.
Most religious orders that are “traditional” in their charisms will offer visits from women under the age of 36. Some may consider women up to age 45, but will probably be less traditional.
There are many resources on discerning religious life for women. Just know that Singles of the Eucharist can be an intermediary community for you as you discern your vocation to marriage, religious life, or the single vocation as Consecrated virgin, or lay person working in the world. Terri
Sr. Eva-Maria Ackerman: Her vocation story. READ